Kongkon’s Consultancy enhances your ability to be able to go to the US to work, you must first find a job. The employer must be willing to hire someone who is not from the US. The company you plan to work for must know that you are not a US citizen or Legal Permanent Resident (LPR). If the employer is aware and still wants to hire you, then they agree to sponsor you.

A US visa or employment sponsorship means that the employer in the US is hiring you. They are guaranteeing to the US visa authorities that you will be a legal working resident. The employer will state that you will work the job position they hired you for. Also, they must guarantee that you will get the same salary as a US citizen or LPR in the same job position.

The employer visa sponsorship is not exactly a letter as most people think. They are a set of documents that is sent to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). It is not only one sponsorship letter as most people think. The documents must have different forms and letters with the employment information. They must also state that the employer is willingly hiring the employee.

The tricky part in an employment visa sponsorship is to justify hiring a foreign employee. The US has a large population, so why not hire a US citizen or LPR? This is one question that most employers must answer when they try to sponsor a foreign employee.

To solve this, the employer must post job ads and submit other documents to the US Department of Labor. The employer must wait for someone to respond to the job ads. If no one does, they can argue that they could not find anyone to do the job. This will mean that the US citizens or LPRs were not available or skilled for that position. Then the US employer can justify hiring a foreign employee.

So as a recap, if you want to work in the US, you must find an employer willing to sponsor you. Working without a sponsorship means you are working illegally. That can have consequences and you might end up deported or arrested.